Assistance Dogs For The Disabled

The autonomous non-profit organization Training and Cynological Center “Assistant Dogs for the Disabled”, one of two in Russia, trains guide dogs and provides them free of charge to the blind. The organization is in the Moscow region, and dogs are ordered from all over Russia. When transferring a guide dog, the blind person goes through a two-week workshop, and then returns home and works with the dog on his own. Often a blind dog owner is faced with a problem for which he needs the help of a specialist. Therefore, the Help Dogs for the Disabled Centre developed a curatorship program, which was supported by the Vinchel Foundation in 2019-2020. As a result, since 2018, the centre’s curators have made more than 100 visits to graduates and 45 to those on the waiting list in more than 60 cities and 30 regions of Russia. Thanks to the curatorial support of the centre, the number of people wishing to get a guide dog has increased by 1.5-2 times.